Thursday, July 13, 2023

Ancient UFOs Found in French Monastery


In 1294, Saxon monk Ranulf Higden wrote in his work Polychronicon that a flying machine shaped like a large saucer had been seen over Wales and in many places in France and Germany. This report is one of the earliest known accounts of UFOs.

Recently, four ancient paintings depicting UFOs have been discovered in a small monastery located on the border between France and Germany. The paintings are thought to have been created in the 13th century, around the same time as Higden's report.

The paintings are very detailed and show the UFOs in great clarity. They are all round in shape and have a flat bottom. Some of the UFOs have lights on them, while others do not.

The discovery of these paintings is significant because it provides further evidence that UFOs have been seen for centuries. It is also possible that the paintings were created by eyewitnesses to the UFOs, which would make them even more valuable.

The paintings are currently being studied by a team of experts, who are hoping to learn more about their origins and meaning. However, even without any further information, the paintings are a fascinating glimpse into the past and provide us with a tantalizing reminder that we are not alone in the universe.

Original Latin Sentence from Ranulf Higden:

Apparatus volans sicut patera magna formata per Walliam visi esse dicitur et multis in locis in Gallia et Germania visa est.


Additional Information about Polychronicon:

  • Polychronicon is a history book written by Ranulf Higden. It was published in 1327 and covers the history of the world from creation to 1327.
  • Polychronicon is one of the most important medieval history books. It is written in Latin and has been translated into many languages, including English, French, German, and Spanish.
  • Polychronicon is a valuable source of information about medieval history. It contains information about politics, economics, culture, and religion.
  • Polychronicon is also a significant work of literature. It is well-written and contains a lot of detail.