Monday, February 27, 2023

Knight in a jar

Discover the power of artificial intelligence in unlocking your creative potential. With cutting-edge tools and techniques, you can now transform your wildest ideas into stunning visual representations, bringing your imagination to life like never before. Let AI be your guide as you explore the endless possibilities of digital art and push the boundaries of your own creativity.


Fiery Encased Knight

Knight in a Jar with a Garden

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Norwegian coast is closer than you think

The Norwegian coast is known for its fierce storms that can unleash their full force on the unsuspecting shoreline. The Norwegian Sea, with its icy waters, can be a playground for strong winds that howl and whip the waves into a frenzy.

The wind speeds can reach astonishing heights, with some of the most severe storms producing gusts over 200 km/h (125 mph). These storms can cause havoc for the coastal towns and villages, with houses and boats being battered and destroyed.

In addition to the wind, these storms often bring heavy rain and snow, making the conditions even more treacherous. The waves can be huge, reaching heights of over 10 meters (33 feet) and crashing onto the rocky shores with tremendous force.

Despite the danger, many people are drawn to the Norwegian coast during these storms, seeking the thrill of witnessing the raw power of nature. However, it's important to remember to stay safe and respect the power of the elements when experiencing such storms.

Red house on the coast of Norway
The Norwegian coast in the living room
The coast of Norway in a painting
Norwegian coast distant village


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Silver horse, Dove of peace, The winter maiden, Norwegian coast

Testing prompts

Exploring our imagination can be rewarding, but challenging to make tangible. Midjourney program provides prompts to unlock creativity, guide self-discovery, and unleash potential. Experimentation helps expand horizons and gain new insights to turn dreams into reality. It's an invaluable tool to unlock creativity and realize potential.

Silver horse

Dove of peace

 The winter maiden

Norwegian coast


Monday, February 20, 2023

19th-century castle armory - First test Midjourney

 In recent years, a new form of digital art has emerged that combines deep learning algorithms with creative expression. 

The process of creating these images involves inputting a prompt into a deep learning algorithm, which then generates a unique image based on that prompt. The artist can then choose to leave the image as-is or enhance it by adding details. Here's my experiment with the Midjourney program. 

Viime vuosina on syntynyt uusi digitaalinen taiteen muoto, joka yhdistää syvän oppimisen algoritmit luovaan ilmaisuun.

Näiden kuvien luomisprosessiin sisältyy kehotuksen syöttäminen syvän oppimisen algoritmiin, joka sitten luo ainutlaatuisen kuvan kyseisen kehotuksen perusteella. Taiteilija voi sitten päättää jättää kuvan sellaisenaan tai parantaa sitä lisäämällä yksityiskohtia. Tässä on kokeiluni Midjourney -ohjelmalla.